Hotels near Waterloo Station

Hotels near Waterloo Station


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In a prime location right on the Thames, stay in a hotel near Waterloo Station for easy access to some of London’s most famous attractions and iconic landmarks. Waterloo Station is nestled among some of the city’s top theatres and galleries. It even sits in the shadow of the London Eye! It is the perfect location for any visitor who wants to make the most of the city’s rich cultural heritage with a few trips to some major destinations. With so much to do and fantastic transport links, it makes an excellent area for all kinds of city breakers, from families to couples. Many advantages come with staying close to one of London’s major train stations. Not only is Waterloo a thriving central location, but it’s also ideal for visitors coming to London by train from the southwest. Check into an ALL – Accor Live Limitless hotel to complete your stay in Waterloo.

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